Friday, June 27, 2008


With this Presidental election we are watching history made before our eyes. Hopefully our future President will be the first black man to ever be in office. After reading this current news story, my respect for Obama and his wife increased. "Barack Obama will fight for equal rights for gays just as he fought to help working-class families overcome poverty, the Democratic presidential hopeful's wife told a gay Democratic group Thursday." For Obama, who does not support gay marriage to come out and say that he still believes same-sex couples should be allowed to enter into civil unions was very daring, since he could possibly gain or loose votes. On the other hand McCain still does not support gay marriage, even through our world is changing so much. "Michelle Obama also drew a connection between the struggles for gay rights and civil rights." On other issues Obama was interviewed by Willamette Week and asked questions including, "Would you stop the DEA's raids on Oregon medical marijuana growers? I would because I think our federal agents have better things to do, like catching criminals and preventing terrorism. The way I want to approach the issue of medical marijuana is to base it on science, and if there is sound science that supports the use of medical marijuana and if it is controlled and prescribed in a way that other medicine is prescribed, then it's something that I think we should consider."

1 comment:

Go-Getter For Government said...

I completely related to your blog and understood completely where you were coming from. In my english class this year we spent a little bit of time focusing on the presidential elections but did not go into detail. While researching more lately, I did find out that Obama support gay marriages and i, as well as you find that very brave of him to admit that to the world.
I also agree with the fact that you said that this world is changing faster than we know it. i feel like I was just in 2nd grade and obviously the gas prices were much lower than they are now. The point is people are becoming more confident in who they are and urging to share the fact that they might be gay with more people and all they want is to be accepted.
Good job on sharing this information on Obama to more people!