Monday, June 9, 2008

Commentary #1

After reading this blog entry from a left-leaning blog, Think Progress, I was annoyed at how much media will stretch the tiniest little things. E.D. Hill, the Fox News host, referred to Barack Obama's fist tap with his wife Michelle, as a "terrorist fist jab". I strongly disagree with her thoughts on the terrorist fist jab. Some reasons I think Barack Obama and his wife performed the fist tap were not as big as it has become. I think news reporters jumped to conclusions way too fast. It could possibly be an "inside joke" between the two, or a way to market his campaign to the younger population, since the gesture can been seen mostly between teens. Back in 2004, we witnessed John Kerry snowboarding as a way to market to youth vote. Even thought the fist tap was probably not scripted, you never know now days. In the news video, Janine, the body language expert, proved very valid points and insight about the fist tap. If we start to analyze every detail now, I feel Hillary would have shot herself in the foot many times, too. I think certain news reporters are so desperate nowdays to bring Obama down, they will try anything. I think you need to consider the source of the news before you establish an opinion. 

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