Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No Easy Answers

Unless you have been living under a rock, you would know about everyone's complaint about the energy crisis and our dependence on nonrenewable petroleum-based products. On June 3 oil prices fell below $124 a barrel, resulting in the fall of stocks also. Questions arise about why we don't develop more efficient forms of energy. But there is no easy answer. Some believe we should switch to renewable wind, water or solar power, but critics say, "Basically, wind power has a number of advantages and provides an inexpensive, self-reliant method of generating electricity with relatively little maintenance. However, there are some disadvantages with regard to birds, thunderstorms, and the appearance of turbines. It is not always windy, so a combination of solar and/or hydroelectric with wind power can provide a more consistent supply of renewable energy." 
While some people support nuclear power because it promises to be readily available and contributes very little to greenhouse gases, what do we do with the waste that has been collecting for 10 years in barrels? Recently, the government has continued with the pursuit to place to nuclear waste below the Yucca Mountains in Nevada. Since it is only 90 miles from Las Vegas and scientists think it might leak into public water, there are many who oppose this repository site. The debate continues on where we should place this waste. Our generation is going to face these issues, including where to store nuclear waste, how to mitigate the effect of wind turbines or migratory birds, and how to make it possible for the average american to purchase solar panels. Hopefully our government will come up with resolutions that will be the lesser of the evils and wreak less damage to the environment. We have to lessen our dependence on oil but we have to be willing to make compromises, because there are no easy answers.


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